Wavefront Lasik


The use of wavefront technology to provide a more precise laser vision correction is known as, "Custom LASIK" or "Wavefront-Driven LASIK". Early data suggests that the 5-10 percent of patients who demonstrate higher-order aberrations are the patients that will significantly benefit from Custom LASIK treatments. Other patients may benefit from Custom LASIK to a smaller degree.

If you are seeking wavefront Custom LASIK in Madison, Wisconsin please make sure to call us directly at (888)708-3937. We offer FREE consultation to determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for this procedure.

Zyoptix Custom Wavefront LASIK: A Revolutionary Procedure

What is Zyoptix Wavefront LASIK?
Zyoptix Wavefront LASIK is a revolutionary procedure for performing laser refractive surgery. Land-based telescopes use a technique called adaptive optics to cancel out the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere capturing stellar images that rival orbital telescopes for clarity. The FDA recently approved use of adaptive optics in ophthalmology which is called wavefront analysis.

Anderson & Shapiro utilizes Bausch and Lomb's Zyoptix Diagnostic Workstation to examine the way a laser beam, reflected from the retina, distorts as it returns from the interior structures of the eye. The analysis of the irregularities at the front of the lightwave emerging from the eye produces a precise three-dimensional map of the cornea and its imperfections also known as aberrations. Higher-order aberrations are distortions that cause glare, halos, and blurry images. The accuracy of the wavefront data allows our surgeons to combine total refractive error control, total corneal architecture, with the world's leading wavefront-guided excimer laser, the Technolas® 217z Laser Deck, to produce outstanding clinical results.

Why Choose Zyoptix Wavefront LASIK?

More laser vision correction procedures are performed with Bausch & Lomb Technolas lasers worldwide than with any other system. The Technolas 217z Excimer Laser that we employ uses invisible, cool, ultraviolet light that causes virtually no damage to surrounding tissue, increasing its safety. A state-of-the-art feedback mechanism ensures every laser pulse is placed exactly as prescribed.

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