To achieve the best possible outcome from your upcoming LASIK surgery, please follow the specific instructions given to you when scheduled by your doctors office. If you do not have these instructions, they are available for you to download at the bottom of this page. The following excerpts are from said instructions and are NOT to be used as a replacement.
- If you wear a soft contact lens, remove the lens 2 weeks prior to your surgery
- If you wear a hard contact lens, remove the lens 3 weeks prior to your surgery
- Notify your surgeon of any cold, fever, nausea or vomiting that occurs within 24 hours of your procedure
- You will receive mild sedation on the day of your procedure, therefore:
- You MUST have someone drive you home after your procedure. We do not allow you leave in a bus, cab, shuttle, etc.
- You may NOT return to work the day of your procedure and not not plan any activities for the remainder of the day
- You will need to be se our clinic the day following your procedure. We recommend that you have someone drive you to this appointment since cannot predict what your vision will be at that time.
Download Instructions
To achieve the best possible outcome from your LASIK procedure, please follow the specific instructions given to you by your doctors office. If you do not have these instructions they are available for you to download at the bottom of this page. The following excerpts from said instructions are NOT to be used as a replacement to the actual instructions.
Do not have any solids by mouth for at least 4 hours prior to your procedure. Clear fluids are permitted up until the time of surgery (e.g... water, apple juice, black coffee, plain Jello, or broth, but NO dairy products or juice with pulp.)
Do not wear any makeup, perfume, cologne, or jewelry. Do not wear anything that must be pulled over your head after surgery
Please bring a photo ID with you on the day of surgery. Leave all other valuable (purse, wallet, watch, cell phone, etc.) at home of with your driver, with the exception of your payment.
Plan to spend approximately 2 hours at the surgery center. We will contact you the Monday before your procedure with your arrival time.
To achieve the best possible outcome from your LASIK procedure, please follow the specific instructions given to you by your doctors office. If you do not have these instructions they are available for you to download at the bottom of this page. The following excerpts from said instructions are NOT to be used as a replacement to the actual instructions.
- After your procedure your eye(s) may be somewhat sore and your vision blurry. These symptoms will improve throughout the day. Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, or Aleve may be used for discomfort. The redness and irritation will generally subside in 1-2 days. DO NOT RUB YOUR EYES. Rest with your eye(s) closed as much as possible prior to your procedure.
- Use the eye drops as directed by your doctors office. If you have any questions about your eye drops, please contact your doctors office.
- Wash your hands before using your eye drops. Do not touch the dropper to your eye. Allow 2 minutes between each drop.
- For several weeks after your procedure, you may experience sensitivity to light, foreign body sensations, minor burning or dry eye sensation. It is extremely important that you do not rub your eye(s).
- It is very important that you protect your eye. Avoid getting anything in your eye(s). Shower carefully, no eye makeup for at least 1 week, and tape the eye shield over your operative eye(s) for 1 week before going to sleep.
- No contact sports for 2 weeks. No swimming, hot tubs, or saunas for 2 weeks.
- No driving, signing of legal documents, or alcohol for 24 hours after your procedure.
- If you experience any redness, drainage, bleeding, or swelling, please call your surgeon.
Download Discharge Instructions